

Warmer Than Yesterday

Approximately for last 30 years, whole climate scientists are saying earth getting warmer than yesterday.......

Why they say like that ?


Change For Better Future

Climate Change means, in Oxford's Learner's Dictionary, changes in earth's weather, including changes in temperature, wind patterns, and rainfall.......

But for me, Climate Change is a warning to humanity !



Nature tends to be recursive since it was born. It regulates the laws for the creatures which live inside it.

However, after the 18th century, humanity started to dominate mother nature.


Warmer Than Yesterday

Approximately for last 30 years, whole climate scientists are saying that earth is getting warmer.
Why they say like that ? Are they crazy or just don't like the republicians ?

First of all, we're living on earth and we consume a lot of energy to be living in modern standarts. We generate the energy that we need from lots of different sources.
Electrical,chemical,wind,solar,radioactive and fossil energy are some of the examples.
Especially fossil energy sources are providing from under the ground and these sources are in there since geological times for keeping the carbon. For example, when a dinosaur dies or a tree falls down, it decays and then fossilize under the ground. When we take out them and burn them, greenhouse gases ,which are CO2,CH4,NO4, CFC , release into atmosphere. Then they cause blanketing effect.
Those greenhouse gases wrap the atmosphere like a blanket and our world can't reflect sunlight,then it gets warmer.

Conclusions and How to Stop It

While earth's atmosphere is getting warmer, oceans are getting warmer,too. Therefore ices in poles are melting. So sea level is increasing all around the world and if we can't stop or slow down the global warming, cities which are near the seaside will get lost.

How can we avoid from it ?
We can use solar energy and other clean energy sources much more for electricity production
We can prefer the public transportation and bicycle instead of personal cars.
We can change or repair our house's isolation system to prevent from energy/heat loss.
We can prefer LED bulbs instead of conventional ones.

Start Changing From Yourself

Mehmet Kaan Yildiz

Change For Better Future

Climate Change means, in Oxford's Learner's Dictionary, changes in earth's weather, including changes in temperature, wind patterns, and rainfall.
Especially the increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere that is caused by the increase of greenhouse gases are the threats for future. But for me, climate change is a warning for humanity to be mindful of our behaviours, and decisions. Additionally, climate change affects our life in assorted ways. The world is changing because of climate change. Due to that, the environment we live in is being damaged.

If we don't watch our behaviours, then climate change goes on and there might be no future for us. But I think it is not too late to start over and try our best.

What can we do to stop it ?

There are so many things we can do to stop climate change. The most important thing is that we all should aware of this. We should work together. Some of the things we can do are :

Voice the side effects about climate changes
Just buy the things you really need, but not for fun
Raise awareness about Recycling
Power your house with renewable energy as much as possible
Eat lees meat and dairy just because of cattle ranches' damage to nature
Cut back on flying
Use LED lightbulbs
Pull the non-used plugs
Reduce your carbon footprint
Leave the car at home as it's possible, use public transportation or a bicycle
Respect the environment and protect the green-fields
Try to minimize your daily wastes, especially the non-recyclable ones

Big Changes With Small Steps

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Recursion In Nature

Nature tends to be recursive since it was born. It regulates the laws for the creatures which live inside it. However, after the 18th century, humanity started to dominate mother nature. It has some pros and cons for humans.
History showed us that cons tend to be the dominant one by time. Nature doesn't want any species to be dominant. This is what we call the food chain.
We, the humans, should be aware of that and should keep the balance for being a dominator. For that, there are several things to do.

Population Balance

We need to breed controlled and use sources genuinely. As we mentioned, if we control consumption and stop wasting our resources, we have enough sources to feed everyone. But because of the unbalanced distribution of resources, we're unable to do that. This is why we need some legislation to protect the right to water and other vital things.

Population Distribution

Most of the people are distributed near the seasides and lands with much water. This is the right one unless you harm forests for unearned income. There should be legislation to protect green fields and control population density in wide areas. With that, we can distribute the resources equally.

Wide-Range Agriculture

In the modern world, we produce single-type products and just harm the other varieties. Even if industrial foods are essential for our major population, we can preserve other species and we can use safer ways to reproduce them as nutritionally valuable. This can reduce the effect of genetically modified organisms upon us.

Change For Our Lives

Ahmet Deniz Daştan

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