
Poles are in Danger

Poles are melting and it raises the sea level. Melting caused by global warming can lead a major catastrophe which can ends up living near the seasides. Poles are like anchors of the world, so we need to immobilize them.

Importance of Poles

Poles are like anchors that keep the world as one piece. They regulate the world's climates by reflecting the sun's rays back to space. Threats against poles mean threats against the world.

Dangers of climate change can be felt in the poles. It also affects the living over there. Snow Leopards, Penguins, and Polar Bears are living on those coldest and harshest lands. It causes famine for polar bears and also these creatures lose their habitats.
Nevertheless, we have hope to save them. If we don't stop the rising of the temperature, then there is a possibility to all Arctic Ices to be melted in the summers, scientists said.

What if the poles are melted ?

Poles are reflecting the rays coming from the sun back to space. They help the world to keep the temperature at even rates. Also if these lands melt, most of the cities might sink, known as subsidence, because of the rising sea levels. Rising waters could also cause releasing tonnes of carbon from dead and previously frozen plant matter. It can accelerate the global warming.

Effects of the Risen Sea Levels

Risen sea levels may cause severe problems for coastal cities. Many cities lay next to sea could collapse to under sea level. It shows that disbalance of poles can affect a place near to ecuador line. More than 80 percent of the population live on coastal areas, therefore we need to protect poles if we want to stay and resume our lifes.

Endangered Species

Snow Leopards

Snow leopards are the king of the mountains. They can leap six times more than their body length. Long-tail enables agility and provides balance.

Beneath global warming, They're also facing the issue of illegal trading. They're being hunted because of their fur and bones.

Most of the local people also kill them for protecting their sheep and other domestics. With habitat fragmentation caused by global climate change, it's hard for them to be living.

Endangered Species

Polar Bears

Polar bears are the biggest bear and symbols of endurance and strength.

They live both in the ocean and land. They have a thick layer of fat which protects them to be frozen. They spend most of their time hunting and they especially hunt for seals because they need a lot of fatty foods for a living.

They need an ice layer on the surface for traveling but because of global warming, they need more effort for hunting. They're indicators for us to observe climate change. Impacts are fewer opportunities to feed, fewer cubs, and habitat fragmentation.

Endangered Species


Penguins are birds that cannot fly. They have flippers instead of wings but that makes them great swimmers.

They have a black body with a white belly which helps them to camouflage. The emperor penguins and the Adelie penguins are the most threatened ones because they need ice on the surface for hunting and breeding. If it goes like that, 50 percent of the emperor penguins and 75 percent of the Adelie penguins might disappear.

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