#CFF Contact

#CFF Movement

#CFF is a movement started by Yildiz Technical University Students. The aim is to raise awareness and inform people about global climate change. We believe that if we inform people about global climate change,we can decrease the CO2 emission, reduce the amount of greenhouse gas we produce and make the world a better place to live for future generations.

Our Missions


We should care about animals and their life zones.


Forests are the lungs of the earth.


Agriculture is a necessity and vulnerability for the modern world.

Being a Community

Be a one and strong voice together.

Global Warming Effects

Need to inform people about global warming truly.


Anchors of the world are melting.

Non-Fresh Air

We're polluting our atmosphere with harmful gases.

The Greenhouse Effect

Need to be aware of why the world is warming

Water Pollution

Need to be concerned about why we consider water resources as a dump of plastic.


As all we know, there is a balance like a chain between living creatures on earth. If we cause species to extinct, it will break the chain and cause big destruction for world. We can still take a move to stop it.


They provide sustainability of O2 for the earth and they're in danger now. We can take a step for protecting them


If we inspect industrial food industry carefully, we can save major fields from being destroyed. We should also say stop to cattling which are not proper as legally. May be a noise as being one part.

Being a Community

"None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." – Mother Teresa

Global Warming Effects

Lots of people don't really know what is global warming and what we're going to face in the future. We need to people make aware of that as youngs which are interested in.


Poles are melting and this cause major catastrophies around the world like hurricanes, erosion etc. Many livings like polar bears and penguins are being homeless,too.

Non-Fresh Air

Year by year, the quality of air we breath is being worse. We're aware of that but never really think about something. We need to inform other people about how can we reduce the amount of harmful gases we emission

The Greenhouse Effect

The worlds atmosphere keep some rays comes from sun while it reflects most of it. When we release more greenhouse gases, it causes to keep more sunray come through world and it increase the average temperature.

Water Pollution

Most of the people don't know and care about where their dumps are going through. Mostly it goes to waters and we eat them back with fishes. We need to be concerned to use non-plastic and recyclable sources.

Join Us

You can join us to take a step about global climate change and can be an ambassador. We, as YTU Students, accept everybody who want to make a difference for the next generations.
Mail: clambytu@gmail.com
Address: Yildiz Technical University Kulupler Vadisi
Founder: Ahmet Deniz Daştan

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