

One of the biggest causes of climate change is Carbon Dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas. As a result of forest land destruction, a big amount of gases are being released into the atmosphere which contributes to Carbon Dioxide concentration.

About Climate Change

What are the threats ?

Plants like forests photosynthesis for living. This means that they take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release Oxygen. So they're the touchstone of the Carbon Cycle. Climate change is mostly caused by the corruption of this cycle. Therefore, we need to help nature to keep balance.

Most of the people are living nearby forests, depending on them for fuel, food, medicines, and building materials. Especially we use them for timber products. Global demand for timber products is expected to more than triple over the next three decades. This requirement and demand caused the loss of around 40% of the world's forests. According to WWF, an area the size of a football pitch is being destroyed every second. This is why we have to take some steps urgently.

Reasons of Deforestation


Agriculture is one of the biggest reasons. While the world's population is increasing, food consumption increases, too.

But this consumption is not just coming from necessity. Big Business companies have the aim to make people eat more.

They use monosodium glutamate and other chemicals to affect the human brain about hunger. This makes people eat more than they need to. The industry is set up in cattle ranches to meet the requests. Latin America is the most affected area by this.

Reasons of Deforestation

Increasement of World Population

While the population of the world is increasing, the need for resources increases, too.

Even the inequality of resources is the more effective one, people have to do something about breeding. Because while the population is increasing, increasing speed is going up, too.

Some scientists say that the world can't feed 10 billion people. We have time to do something, but we should manage it with legislation, too. We may also discover new resources outside of the world but it's clear that it's a reason for climate change.

Reasons of Deforestation

Fossil Fuels

As all we know, fossil fuels are the most important problem that we should solve. They're obstacles which we should pass for a clean environment.

Coal, petroleum, natural gas, tar sands, etc. are the most used ones. They contain carbon and were formed as a result of geological processes.

When we use them, we release CO2 to the atmosphere and it triggers the greenhouse effect. It wraps the earth and because of that, the earth can't reflect the light which comes from the sun. It causes heating up.

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