
Ecosystem Is Losing Its BALANCE

All of the species are a part of the balance in the nature. Together, they protect the natural life cycle. Like in the real life, if we broke a part of the chain, the effect will be like domino effect. We should be aware of that and inform the people around us.

How does Climate Change affect Animals ?

In our daily lives, we hear climate change from the news and feel the impact of it. But do we know enough how it's been affecting?

Animal habitats are becoming inhospitable, and some of them have already disappeared. Droughts, floods, warming, hurricanes, tornados, etc. are some of the disasters which are harming those lands. Because of these changes, some animals have already become extinct and others are trying to survive by changing their diets, preys, and how they reproduce.
Especially some of these animals, which are well known, are about to extinct

Green Turtles

They are mostly found in tropical and subtropical waters. Even if their habitats are oceans, they use beaches for breeding. Also, they don't stay so long somewhere, they often migrate long distances for feeding and breeding. Adults are herbivores, and they eat seagrass and algae. Hatchlings, however, are omnivores. Do you know what they eat more?


Researches show that 52% of the world's turtles have eaten plastic waste since they thought it was a jellyfish,algae or other foods they eat usually.

Polar Bear

They're the largest bear in the world, and well known due to their endurance and strength.
Polar Bears are predators which eat seals. They spend most of their times to hunt, so they need large amount of fat to survive. They can walk and swim which help them travel so long.
They're the most affected species by global warming, because their habitats are the most affected one,too.

Therefore,we urgently take a step to protect them from extinction.


Because of some newly occured drought lands, cheetahs' prey population are declining. It cause that cheetah had to change their diets and prey on other animals that live in the same environment.

Often these animals don't have the same nutritional values as cheetahs' usual prey - affecticng their ability to produce healthy sperm.

What to do ?

For help them, you may join to GVI volunteers to work on projects like Karongwe Private Game Reserve.

Giant Panda Bear

Climate change is disruptively reducing the amount of bamboo that grows in pandas' natural habitats in China.
Bamboos are the most important food for pandas but it's not the only benefit of it. It also provide Pandas an habitat. It helps them to be protected from predators.

If the speed of reduce goes like that, Pandas will be vulnerable to attack.

Asia Elephant

The most important and vital thing for elephants are water. Due to they need to drink water at least once a day, they always live close to water sources

What is the effect on them ?

Warmer conditions, which caused by global climate change, cause waterless for elephants, and also make it easier for invasive plants to thrive, and outgrow the elephants' regular food sources like bamboo leaves and banana.
As a result, they need to be protected because climate change make them vulnerable.

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